Information Security Policy
Basic Philosophy
VALUES Inc. (VALUES) is guided by the philosophy of leveraging marketing and advanced IT technologies to create and support new value in the market, contributing to society.
The information assets that VALUES handles, including customer information, are of critical importance to the company's management foundation.
All individuals who handle these information assets, from executives to employees, recognize the significance of protecting them from risks such as leakage, damage, and loss.
They are required to adhere to this policy, undertaking measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these assets as part of our commitment to maintaining robust information security.
Basic Policy
- To protect information assets, we will establish an information security policy, conduct business in accordance with this policy, and comply with relevant laws, regulations, and other norms, as well as contractual obligations with our customers.
- We will define criteria for analyzing and evaluating the risks of leakage, damage, and loss of information assets, establish a systematic risk assessment method, and regularly perform risk assessments. Based on these assessments, we will implement necessary and appropriate security measures.
- We will establish an information security framework led by a responsible director, clarifying authority and responsibilities related to information security. Additionally, we will regularly educate, train, and raise awareness among all employees to ensure the proper handling of information assets, emphasizing the importance of information security.
- We will periodically inspect and audit compliance with the Information Security Policy and the handling of information assets, and promptly address any discovered deficiencies or areas for improvement.
- VALUES will take appropriate measures in response to information security events and incidents. In case of such occurrences, we will establish predetermined procedures to minimize damage, responding promptly and appropriately. For incidents that may disrupt business operations, we will ensure VALUES' business continuity by establishing and regularly reviewing a management framework.
- We will establish and implement an information security management system with defined goals to realize our fundamental philosophy, continuously revising and improving the system.
Established on October 1, 2019
President and Representative Director Hideyuki Tsujimoto